"People say if a butterfly flutters its wings in one place, a storm gathers halfway around the world. The world functions like that. Everything is linked—education, employment, health, trade, conflict, etc. Sometimes these connections may be hard to see, but they exist, and their consequences affect all regardless where you live"
(The World Bank)

Education plays an important role in human' lives. In this 20th century world, more and more countries or we could say all country round the world are focussing and promoting eduction sector. Why? The simple answer is that our world needs develop and peace, so the more educated people the more peace and development occur.

Do you know? Regard to The World Bank's statistics shows that "around 72 million primary school-age children around the world aren't in school. Poor kids often can't go to school because they need to work to help their families survive.

  • Girls represent more than half—55%—of out-of-school children.
  • More than 70% of out-of-school children live in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia.
  • Of those who go to school, many drop out before they master basic reading, writing and math skills. In half of developing countries about a fifth of pupils don’t reach the last grade of primary school. In sub-Saharan Africa, only 67% of students make it that far.
  • Around 776 million adults in the world are illiterate. Women account for two-thirds of them.
  • Enrollment in tertiary education (university-level) in developing countries was less than 20% in 2006, compared to 67% in developed countries.
  • North America and Western Europe spend an average of $5,500 per student each year while countries in sub-Saharan Africa spend $167.
  • Child malnutrition is a global epidemic that affects one in three children under the age of 5 and undermines their ability to learn."

  • And how about you? We are more than luck if compare to those who are living in suffering without school, internet, computer, or even book ....!

    Besides, the school education we also can catch several knowledges by the internet. I wish you all enjoy with my education blog which is linking to some useful websites as below.

    Please, click the link here

    To be continued.....