Welcome to Chhiro's Business Page

Thanks for the visit this page. Business page is built for everyone! why? People can't live without business. Business is work. Work is money. Money can buy food for eating, home for living, cloths for wearing, vehicle for travelling etc,.. Everybody has each own ambition, me too. If we had a bike we would dream about having a motor. Then when a motor was yours you would dream about having a car and more more...Yes, so does my dream.

I am honestly to say that 70% of my day time (12 hours) is devoted to work. And the rests are to learning, entertainment, sport, social work, sleeping, eating...I think 70% is not fair to some those of you are using only 20% of your day time to work but it worths you the incredible revenue. On the contrary, some people are using all their energies, suppose 90% or even 200% of their day times to work; unfortunately, the reward of their hard work just give them a slice profit.  Anyway, I thought nothing about jealousy! You too :-)

To be success in a business, I still believe in my theory-TCOW  "Talent, Capital, Opportunity, and Work Hard". How do you think? You may have one or two among these four. Some of you maybe have all.

You can find them all in the linking blog which is including "service, products, business guidance" and more.

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